Banyule City Council Youth Services
Youth workers provide information, assistance, referral and linking to services for children and young people 10 to 25 years old. Youth outreach workers, youth development activities, including JETS Studios.
Nillumbik Shire Council Youth Services
Provides Nillumbik young people with information, events, workshops and programs to socialise and develop new skills.
Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS)
YSAS provides a range of programs and services for young people aged 12 to 21 years who are experiencing significant problems related to their alcohol or drug use. Programs are free, confidential and voluntary. Youth Workers are trained and experienced in dealing with a range of complex problems including alcohol and drugs, legal matters, primary and mental health, homelessness, sexual abuse and family breakdown. The Youth Support Service responds directly to police referrals for young people exhibiting offending behaviours. Service response adopts client centred and family inclusive approach which includes diversion activities, restorative conversations and goal setting to avoid future offending.
Open House
Provides a range of youth focused programs including Boys to Men after school program, School Holiday Program, a Drop-In Café, Outdoor Sports Sessions, and the Youth Workshop Mentoring Program which is aimed at skill development crafts, woodwork, mechanics, building, engineering) supervised by skilled team members and volunteers.
Youth Projects
Provides support and services to young people to re-engage with learning, find a job, help with housing, or access free healthcare or counselling. Services include a free medical centre, mental health and drug counselling, mobile outreach support services, job placement, accredited vocational training and apprenticeships, life skills courses, free meals, showers, laundry and clothing (in the CBD).
Banyule Nillumbik Local Learning & Employment Network (BNLLEN)
Works with local partners to support young people in the two areas particularly those young people who are at risk of disengaging or who have already disengaged from education and training and are not in meaningful employment. Includes the L2P Program, connects young people with Workplace Learning and Apprenticeship Opportunities.
Headspace Greensborough is a free mental health service for young people aged 12 – 25 years old. HeadSpace clinicians are experienced youth mental health professionals, social workers, mental health nurses, psychologists and occupational therapists. They can provide free one on one provide emotional support via email, phone or in person.